Friday, March 27, 2009

Choco Mousse and Baby Red

Jay-ar bought me a food processor! How cool is that? Hehehe! I was trying to beat egg whites/creams manually (using whisk) but to no avail so he decided to buy me food processor. Today, I made a chocolate mousse. It taste yummy! It is now in the fridge and hoping that it would set properly. For lunch, we will be having steamed tilapia and of course, I will use my new food processor for the stuffing. I'm loving my new kitchen gadget.

*How to make Chocolate Mousse*

2 eggs {separated}
50g cocoa powder
4 tablespoonful of warm water
1 tin Nestle Cream (170 g)
2 tablespoonful sugar

Mix the cocoa and sugar with water to make paste
Add the egg yolks
Beat mixture until creamy
Add Nestle cream
In another bowl, whisk egg whites until stiff then fold into chocolate mixture delicately
Pour into container then chill

It is that simple! I just put some strawberries on top for decoration. Hehehe!

* * *

My sister Yeng already had given birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl this morning. Both my sister and her new little angel are okay now and just taking rest at St. Luke's {baby's name is Red - short for Renei Danielle}. I'm glad they are both okay... Next up, it's my turn and hoping also that my baby and me will be okay. I know God will take care of both of us.

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