Monday, January 26, 2009


If there is a time that I have lots of things to think and worry about, this is that time.

Yesterday, I have received a bad news. It is disappointing but life must go on. To stay on the positive side, I think it’s better it happened that way. I know God has plans for us that are even better than the plans we have for ourselves. I don’t think this way just to make me feel okay. I think this way because I know that this is true and that things happen for a reason which is accordance to His will. We may think that this is the right time for us but it is not yet His time and I trust Him with everything in our lives.

I am also anxious about my labor and delivery. I think you cannot take that away from an expecting mother. I worry more for my baby. I pray that she will be a normal & healthy baby girl. I also pray that I won’t have difficulty delivering her to this world and that she will not have difficulty coming out from me. I am so excited on April. Jay-ar and I will have our little angel at last.

I am also worried about me going back to work. The last time I was working, it was so tiring, stressful and depressing. Now when I think about it, I wouldn’t care anymore if I will be going back to the same tiring, stressful and depressing work as long as I still have a job. I will try to be stronger this time. But of course, I am still praying that the work I will be going back to will not be as tiring, stressful and depressing as before. If my prayer will be granted, I will be very happy and thankful. If not, I will still be thankful for I still have a job and try to be tougher to face the challenges. I want to be the kind of person being mentioned in the saying that if the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

Lastly, I am worried about our land acquisition in Laguna Bel-Air 3. This is the first time that we entered into this kind of dealings wherein there are lots of legal documents to prepare and submit and lots of processing that we need to go through. I pray that the processing will be as hassle-free as possible and that we can comply with the monthly amortization. I will be very glad and grateful when the time comes that we have done paying for the lots we are acquiring and we are debt-free again.

I pray to God to help us with all our undertakings and responsibilities this 2009 and all the years to come and provide us good health to be able to do all the things that we need to do. I also pray for His guidance on all the decisions we need to make in our lives. And I thank Him for all the blessings that He has given us. All that have been mentioned above are blessings from God. I know I should not worry too much but I guess it’s just human-nature to worry. But I know that if I trust these things to Him, everything will be alright. 

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